Вірусний спам: Gen:Variant.MSILPerseus.148835

Відправник: Ahmed Al-Jarallah <muthannainvestment.1@yahoo.com>
Тема: Re: purchase order
Вкладення: LPO #PDF6661.z
Текст: Dear,
Please find the LPO attached(LPO#12483),

Kindly acknowledge the acceptance and arrange for delivery at the earliest possible. Please attach the Copy of LPO together with Delivery Note / Invoice Note.
Your prompt response is highly appreciated. In case of any queries/clarifications for delivery and short expiry, please contact Mr. Jarallah/Mr. Ahmed on Telephone Nos. – +965 24755454
Note:- If there is a price change for any of the product in above attached PO, please don’t supply, notify us immediately.

Thanks & Best Regards
Ahmed Al-Jarallah (M.)
Mishref Kuwait
Phone:+965 24755454
Fax:+965 24765040

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